
  1. IoT for Juniors - Project 9: Remote monitoring the environment using mobile app

    We will be sending the temperature data to the Arduino IoT cloud so that you can access it from anywhere in the world Martials needed.
  2. IoT for Juniors - Project 8: Controlling LED from a web-page

    Here we are making the project where the esp8266 will give a webpage on IP address and from that page we can control the LED which is connected to pin13(D7) of nodeMcu.
  3. IoT for Juniors - Project 5: Controlling AC appliances with Arduino Uno

    5v Relay: A 5V relay module is an electronic component that can help you control high voltage circuits with a low voltage signal, such as an Arduino.
  4. IoT for Juniors - Introduction to DHT11 sensors & LCD display

    The DHT11 humidity and temperature sensor makes it really easy to add humidity and temperature data to your DIY electronics projects.