
Data Science
Start your journey to become a data scientist

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About The Program
This Class Covers Courses of Data Science
Python Programming0 Lessons
Pythonista – Python Boot Camp41 Lessons2 Assignments
- Python Introduction
- Introduction to Python
- Python IDE’s
- Variables & Data Types
- Operators
- Functions
- Python Basics
- Conditional Statements
- List Comprehension
- Range
- Loops
- Functions
- Exercise
- Object Oriented Programming Concepts
- OOP Concepts
- Inheritance
- Decorators
- Python Advanced
- Dictionary
- Special functions
- File Handling
- Pycharm IDE
- Introduction to App Dev Frameworks
- App Basics HTML
- Database SQL
- Frameworks
- Flask
- To-do App
- Python Automations
- Automation
- Web Scraping
- Image Recognition
- Selenium
- Robot Test Framework
- Git & Github
- Git & GitHub
- Pycharm IDE
- DevOps
- Sonar Cloud
Django Framework Boot Camp35 Lessons
- Object Oriented Programming Concepts
- Review of Object Oriented Programming, Classes and Objects
- Inheritance & Decorators
- Pycharm IDE’s
- Framework Review
- Django Setup and Administration
- Django Administration, Django Admin Site
- Django Framework
- Create a Django APP, Template Definition Language
- Django Model Form
- Create a Simple Product Form
- Application Programming Interface(API)
- Review of API Concepts, JSON, Read and Write JSON Files
- Review of REST API, Testing a Weather API with Postman
- JSON Placeholder API
- Multiple Decorators
- Django Rest Framework(DRF)
- Introduction to Django Rest Framework
- Introduction to Serializers, Django Serialization
- Create a Simple API with DRF
- Python Automation
- Introduction to Automation, SDLC Processes
- Introduction to Web scraping with BeautifulSoup
- Image recognition with PyAutoGUI
- Introduction to Automated testing: Selenium
- Introduction to Robot Testing Framework
- Automated login testing with Robot Testing Framework
- Git & Github
- Introduction to Git & Github
- Pycharm IDE for Git
- Branching, Merging and Conflict Resolution. Automated deployment with Github
- Introduction to DevOps and CICD
- Introduction to Sonar Cloud
- Development Project
- Introduction to Live Development Project
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