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About The Program
This Class Covers Courses of IoT, Robotics & Automation
IoT for Juniors22 Lessons
- IoT for Juniors – Course Overview
- IoT for Juniors – Introduction to IoT
- IoT for Juniors – What is a “Thing” & real-life examples of IoT
- IoT for Juniors – Connecting the “Things” to internet
- IoT for Juniors – Basics of Electronics and Circuits
- IoT for Juniors – Introduction to Arduino Uno Board
- IoT for Juniors – Arduino Programming
- IoT for Juniors – Introduction to Sensors & Actuators
- IoT for Juniors – Project 1: Making smart light
- IoT for Juniors – Making pizzo buzzer
- IoT for Juniors – Project 2: Making fire alarm system
- IoT for Juniors – Project 3: Making smart shoes for blind people
- IoT for Juniors – Introduction to DHT11 sensors & LCD display
- IoT for Juniors – Project 4: Making environment monitoring system
- IoT for Juniors – Project 5: Controlling AC appliances with Arduino Uno
- IoT for Juniors – Project 6: Making plant watering system
- IoT for Juniors – Project 7: Making smart dustbin
- IoT for Juniors – Introduction to ESP8266
- IoT for Juniors – Project 8: Controlling LED from a web-page
- Iot for Juniors – Introduction to Arduino IoT cloud
- IoT for Juniors – Project 9: Remote monitoring the environment using mobile app
- IoT for Juniors – Project 10: Controlling home appliances using web and mobile app
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Internet of Things (IoT) – Beginner to Expert70 Lessons7 Assignments
- Introduction to IoT (Internet of Things)
- Real-life Examples of IoT (Internet of Things)
- What is internet?
- Types of Computer Networks (LAN & WAN)
- Clearing Glaze and What is a “Thing” in IoT
- Why and how to connect the things with internet
- Exploring the possibilities with IoT
- Advantages, Risks, Security and Best practices of IoT
- Hardware Components Used in IoT
- Introduction to controllers and its types
- Why Controllers, how to choose Controllers and Best Practices
- Introduction to sensor and its types
- Why sensors, how to choose sensors and best practices
- Introduction to actuators and it’s types.
- Why actuators, how to choose actuators and best practices
- Practical Examples
- Introduction to Arduino
- Interfacing with sensors
- Some common sensors with Arduino
- Interfacing with actuators
- Common actuators and how to control
- Doing projects using sensors and actuators
- Arduino Project 2 : Fire Alarm System
- Arduino Project 3: Environment Monitoring System
- Arduino Project 4: Smart Dustbin
- Introduction to IoT protocol and networking
- Types of Networks – LAN (Local Area Network) vs WAN (Wide Area Network) vs MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)
- Network topologies
- What is TCP/IP
- OSI model
- TCP Protocol
- UDP Protocol
- IPV4 and IPV6
- Client server model and HTTP protocol
- SSH protocol
- MQTT Protocol
- Other important protocol
- Wi-Fi modules for IOT
- ESP8266 and ESP32
- Connecting to Wi-Fi and ESP32 webserver
- Introduction to IoT cloud
- Environment monitoring System with Arduino cloud and ESP8266
- Home Automation using esp8266
- MQTT protocol with esp32
- Connect Google assistance with your project
- Exploring the possibilities
- Python for IoT
- Implementing networking protocols and models using python
- Introduction to flask and API’s
- Integration of database(sqlite)
- Exploring the possibilities
- Single board computer and Rpi
- Setting up RPi
- Diving deep
- Camera module with Rpi
- AI and ML for IoT
- Types of ML
- Face recognition System using Rpi
- Exploring the possibilities
- Introduction to AWS and AWS IoT
- Connecting AWS to ESP
- Introduction to dynamo DB and saving data
- Introduction to Lambda function
- Introduction to Hardware protocol
- UART, I2C, SPI and CAN
- Implementing the Hardware protocols
- Exploring the possibilities
- Introduction to RF communication and BLE
- Wi-Fi, Zigbee and Z-wave
- RFID, NFC, HC-12, LoRa, GPS and GSM
This is Brishti Parashar here. The course ( IoT, Robotics & Automation, especially IoT for Juniors) is actually a very helpful and engaging initiative for the present era as it is very necessary for the younger generation to have a hold over technology that can benefit the present and the future. The teacher, Rehman Arjunagi, is indeed the suitable person to take up teaching the course for he makes IoT ( a subject which is complex, especially for the young usually) friendly and easily understandable to the students. As people say more often, ‘The first impression is the best impression’, this course exhibited the same during it’s very first class – An Introduction to IoT and Course Overview.
Hoping for more exciting courses in the future….