
Data Engineering
Advance your career by becoming an expert data engineer

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About The Program
This Class Covers Courses of Data Engineering
Apache Druid Basics18 Lessons
- Introduction to Data Streaming & Subsequent Processing
- Introduction to Data Streaming
- Why is Real-time Data Streaming Analytics Critical?
- Basic Understanding of OLAP and Slice & Dice Analytics
- Real time Data Streaming Platforms (Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis, Azure Stream Analytics)
- Introduction to Apache Druid
- Apache Druid Use Cases
- Going deeper with Apache Druid
- Interacting with Apache Druid using Druid SQL
- Understanding the Deep Storage in Apache Druid
- Architecture of Apache Druid
- Data Ingestion or Data Indexing in Apache Druid
- Data Management in Apache Druid
- Installation & Set-up of Apache Druid
- Installing a Single-node Apache Druid Cluster
- Data Management With Apache Druid
- Data Loading/Ingestion in Apache Druid
- Data Formats in Apache Druid
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Apache Kafka Basic26 Lessons
- Introduction to Data Streaming & Subsequent Processing
- Introduction to Streaming Data or Data Stream
- Why real-time data streaming analytics is critical today?
- Introduction to real-time data streaming tools/frameworks
- Real-Time Data Streaming Use Cases
- Introduction to Apache Kafka
- Introduction to Asynchronous Messaging
- Welcome to the world of Apache Kafka
- Why do we need Apache Kafka?
- Apache Kafka Design Fundamentals
- Importance of Data Pipelines with Apache Kafka
- Installing & Setting Up Single Node Apache Kafka Cluster
- Apache Zookeeper Installation & Setup
- Apache Kafka Installation & Setup
- Creating the Kafka Topic & Verifying the Cluster
- Kafka Built-in CLI (Command Line Interface)
- Kafka Producer CLI (Command Line Interface)
- Kafka Consumer CLI (Command Line Interface)
- Stopping the Kafka Publishers & Consumers
- Stopping Zookeeper & Kafka Servers
- Writing the Kafka Producers Using Java & Python
- Writing the Kafka Consumers Using Java & Python
- The Apache Kafka Broker Property list
- The Apache Kafka Producer Property list
- The Apache Kafka Consumer Property list
- Consumer Group in Apache Kafka
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Apache Kafka Advance27 Lessons
- Going Deeper with Apache Kafka
- Multiple Nodes Zookeeper Cluster
- Multiple Nodes – Multiple Broker Kafka Clusters
- Kafka Consumer Groups and Scalability
- Consumer Offsets in Kafka
- Challenges with Apache Kafka Consumer
- Custom Key and Value Serializer in Kafka
- Replication and Partition management in Kafka
- Kafka Custom Partitioning
- Kafka Custom Searilezer
- Creating a Java Producer with Custom Partitioning and Serializers in Kafka
- Introduction to KafkaConnect API
- Types of Kafka Connectors
- Understanding of Schema Registry in Kafka
- Communicating with Kafka Broker Via REST API
- Apache Kafka Administration
- Apache Kafka Monitoring Tools
- Setup and Configuration of Monitoring Tool with Kafka Cluster
- Setup and Configuration of Monitoring Tool with Kafka Manager
- Kafka Administration Tools
- Frequent Problems with Kafka Administration Tools and Their Solutions
- Kafka Configuration Files Details and Troubleshooting
- Real-time Data Streaming With Kafka (Workshop)
- Real-time Data Streaming & Processing
- Overview of Confluent Cloud (Kafka over Cloud)
- Real time weather data analysis workshop
- Where to Go From Here-Introduction to Apache Druid
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