Dynamic and interpreted (byte code compiled) language No declaration of variables Type check of values are done at runtime Object Oriented Programming Payment in Form No. Challan. MTR -6 and supply return in Type III-B (Return electronically) are required of each Registered Employer. If you don't upload a return before the deadline, you can be penalised. Step 1: Log on to website www.mahagov.in then Click on “e-Payment” on the home page. Step 2: Click on “e-payment – Return” Step 3: Click on “TIN” and enter TIN Number & Captcha. Click on “Enter” Step 4: Enter Payment Details: Required Documents Latest Electricity Bill of the principal place of Business Latest Photograph Scanned copy of signature Cancelled cheque Address proof for principal place of business Professional tax is a direct tax that is deducted from your gross salary by your employer. Because it is imposed by the state government, the tax you pay will differ according on the state you reside in. There is a maximum amount of Rs. 2500 that you might be charged. Company Name: Sanskriti Address: X-101, Purva Fairmont, 24th Main, Sector -2, HSR Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka – 560034 GSTIN: 29ABVFS3789E1Z9 Company Name: Sanskriti Address: X-101, Purva Fairmont, 24th Main, Sector -2, HSR Layout, Bangalore, Karnataka – 560034 GSTIN: 29ABVFS3789E1Z9 When the amount owed to the selling decreases, the seller issues credit notes to the buyer. The seller acknowledges the amount that must be returned to the buyer or any modifications that will be made in the subsequent transaction by giving the buyer a credit note. A debit note is a document that the vendor gives to the buyer informing them of their outstanding debts. It can also be made by the customer when they return items that they were given on credit because of problems or defects. This debit note contains all the information on the returned things, such as the reason for the return, the date of purchase, the quantity of items, etc.