Selenium-webdriver: a testing tool for automated testing of software Automated Test Case Flow Installation Steps You will learn the following installation steps: ● pip install selenium 2. Download the Chrome […] Recognize an image on screen with the library PyAutoGUI Flask is a web framework written in Python. a Web Framework represents a collection of libraries and modules that enable web application developers to write applications without bothering about low-level details For details and installation, please see the video recording of lesson 7. File Operations Read and write to files Try Exceptions Handle and raise exceptions Tuples A tuple is a list that cannot be modified So tuples are immutable tuples are enclosed […] Functions: switcher Functions: In Python 3.10 option Lambda Functions Fahrenheit to Celcius Map Functions Fahrenheit to Celcius Parent Class Child Class Multiple Inheritance and MRO Override Parent Class! Hunt?! For loop and Range For loop and Range with Step Create a Quiz String Positions Python String Indexes and Slices Random Choice Random Player Range Range of Weekdays Range(stop) There […] List 2. Values of a list can be a collection of mixed data types. For Eg. Months is a list of all the months. For loop Repeat for each value […]