Every payment you get from a client can be tracked down and used to settle all of their unpaid bills. You can also view the payments recorded for the invoices. Additionally, you may see the invoice payments that have been made. An organization's procure-to-pay or purchase-to-pay cycle begins with vendor payments. Paying outside suppliers or vendors of a company to buy products, services, or both by putting in place a workable procedure and system that works for the company is known as vendor payments. When the buyer's amount due to the seller decreases, the seller issues a commercial document called a credit note, sometimes referred to as a credit memo. The seller guarantees that the reduced amount will be reimbursed or adjusted in a later transaction by issuing a credit note. If there are quality problems or other grounds to return the products, the buyer of the goods gives the seller a debit note. The cause for the return of the goods is stated in a debit notice. Debit note are also known as purchase returns. While the websites used by each state to accept LWF payments online vary, the general payment process remains the same: In general, employees may use their contribution to the LWF for the following uses: Facilities for children's education. Healthcare services for employees and their families. Transportation amenities for getting to work. Loan housing facilities for building homes at discounted prices. Create side businesses and home industries for women and jobless people. Vocational instruction. Feed kids’ wholesome food. A pay slip is a document that provides information about an employee's pay. These particulars cover the base salary, incentives, deductions, and other information that the company provides to the worker on a monthly basis. The same is frequently provided to the staff in soft copy, and occasionally hard copies are also. Step 1: The employer first calculates the employee's wage for the applicable fiscal year. This should include base pay, dearness allowance, company-granted perks, additional employer-granted allowances (such as meal coupons, LTA, or HRA), EPF contributions, bonuses, commissions, gratuities, and any remuneration from a prior employment, among other things. Bonus Pay is extra money an employee receives in addition to their base pay. Many organisations utilise it to honour staff members or a team that has accomplished noteworthy objectives. In order to boost staff morale, motivation, and output, bonus pay is also provided. Your yearly income is made up of both your base pay and any bonus opportunities. You must so comprehend how they are related to one another. Cost to Company (CTC) is the yearly expense incurred by a business on a worker. The pay and other variable factors would determine this. The components of basic pay and any additional statutory benefits that employees are entitled to, such as EPF, ESIC, HRA, travel allowance, food allowance, gratuity, bonus, etc., are added to determine CTC.