Django Framework Boot Camp – Class Recordings

Below are the recordings of instructor-led classes, which can be referred by the students later.

Lesson 1.1

Lessons Covered in this Video

OOP review

Lesson 1.2

Lessons Covered in this Video

Python IDE’s & Django Setup and Administration

Lesson 2

Lessons Covered in this Video

Recap & Django Framework (Part 1)

Lesson 2

Lessons Covered in this Video

Django Framework (Part 2)

Lesson 2

Lessons Covered in this Video

Django Framework (Part 3)

Lesson 2

Lessons Covered in this Video

Django Framework (Part 4)

Lesson 3

Lessons Covered in this Video

Django Framework (Part 5)

Lesson 3

Lessons Covered in this Video

Django Framework (Part 6)

Lesson 3

Lessons Covered in this Video

Django Framework (Part 7)

Lesson 4

Lessons Covered in this Video


Lesson 4

Lessons Covered in this Video

Django REST API (Part 2)

Lesson 5

Lessons Covered in this Video

Django Rest Framework