Pythonista – Python Boot Camp
Dynamic and interpreted (byte code compiled) language No declaration of variables Type check of values are done at runtime Object Oriented Programming A variable is name given to a memory location ename = ‘Bob’ marks = 100 price = 9.99 paid = True Naming convention for variables: 1.Starts only with alphabet or _ (underscore: discarded) The truncating division operator (//, also known as floor division) truncates the result to an integer and works with both integers and floating-point numbers. As simple as it sounds assignment operators are used for assigning values to variables.
Functions are blocks of code ✔The def keyword is used to define a function ✔Functions have arguments although an option
Database is collection of records •Records are rows and columns in a table •Records are identified by a primary key index •You can index by any columns, unique index are unique •Database has a connection parameters in .ini file •Database is managed by a database management system DBMS. •Relational database management system (RDBMS) has relational records Flask is a web framework written in Python. a Web Framework represents a collection of libraries and modules that enable web application developers to write applications without bothering about low-level details
An integrated development environment (IDE) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities to computer programmers for software development. •A text editor for writing the program •Format the lines of code Install beautifulsoup4 library Install requests and pandas 1. Pytest is a simple and powerful python testing tool 2. Install pytest module 3. Support for reusable fixtures 4. Parameterized testing 5. Efficient and easily maintainable tests
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